How to save petrol whilst driving
With record-high petrol price now severely impacting South African wallets, managing director of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, has provided his biggest tips for saving fuel to help alleviate the pressure.
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Four things that will kill your car's turbocharger - follow these tips to ensure it lasts longer
While modern turbochargers are extremely reliable components in most new cars, normally lasting as long as a vehicle’s engine’s, most OEMs design turbochargers to last around 300 000km in terms of service in a single life cycle.
“But, many turbochargers don’t see this, due to engine maintenance-related issues,” says Chris Kambouris, founder of TurboDirect SA.
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Vehicle Jamming: How to ensure your vehicle is really secure
Steyn says, according to the State of Urban Safety in South Africa Report, there has been a 58 percent increase in car-jacking since 2011.
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3 things criminals consider before selecting their victim
This video talks about the 3 things that criminals consider before striking.
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Be aware of "smash-and-grabbers
This video shares valuable information on how to avoid becoming a smash-and-grab victim while living in, or visiting South Africa.
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How to change your tyre?
This step-by-step video will have you up and running in no time.
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Make sure your tyre tread is legal
Adequate tread depth is essential for good grip on wet roads as the tread pattern helps to remove water from between the tyre and the road surface.
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Is your vehicle roadworthy?
Regardless of where you choose to insure your vehicle, you may be surprised to find that roadworthiness is not only a legal requirement, but is also a pre-requisite for taking out a motor insurance policy. If you read your policy wording, you’ll notice that insurance companies are not obliged to meet any insurance claims should your vehicle be deemed unroadworthy.
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Here’s when South Africa’s new speed limits and other road rules will come into effect
Transport Minister spokesperson Ishmael Mnisi has confirmed to BusinessTech when South African motorists can expect to see the Department of Transport’s big proposed road regulations implemented.
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Safety tips for the festive season
Some helpful tips to share with friends and family...
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Why brokers aren’t more expensive than direct insurers
Direct Insurers often claim that going direct to an insurer and cutting out the “middleman” will save you money. A study conducted by the Moneybags organisation, specialist saving advisors, states that the average direct insurer charges 13% more on car insurance than traditional brokers.
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Distracted driving still a problem
Do you talk or text on your cellphone while driving? How about eating, fixing your tie, or putting on make-up. These are all activities that divert your attention from the road, and can be potentially deadly.
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